Photo Albums

Please upload with us any photos that you think our class might enjoy viewing. Some of you may have pictures from our high school days, the 10th or 20th reunions.  

45th Reunion at Sam's
45th Reunion at Sam's
45th Reunion
45th Reunion
Reunions - 1992 20th WPHS
Reunions - 1992 20th WPHS
Our 20th Reunion Party
WPHS 72, Our 20th Reunion
WPHS 72, Our 20th Reunion
Our 20th reunion 1992

Upload your photo(s) to the album

40th Reunion 2012
40th Reunion 2012
Liz Smit & Pat Berman
Peggy Van Raalte & Billy Frankel
Leslie, Ellen Klarman & Liz Smit

Upload your photo(s) to the album